May 29, 2008


"You'll always be a part of me, I'm part of you indefinately.."

May 25, 2008


"Well, some things in this world you just can't change
Some things you can't see until it gets too late
Baby, baby, baby when all your love is gone
Who will save me from all I'm up against out in this world?
And maybe, maybe, maybe
You'll find something thats enough to keep you
But if the bright lights don't receive you
You should turn yourself around and come on home"
I have to applaud Emma's performance as well as the rest of the dancers who made metamorphosis possible..I really think that it was one hell of a great performance
*Standing Ovation*

May 19, 2008

Deep Within

Every Question..
Leads To Another..
When You Find It There..
You Search No More.

May 12, 2008

Finding Beauty In Negative Spaces

If there's one spark of hope left in my grasp
I'll hold it with both hands
It's worth the risk of burning
To have a....
Second chance

May 8, 2008

For A Day?

In those eyes I see something new
In these eyes lies a story untold
sick :(
Ayat-Ayat Cinta Is A Must Watch
Let The Emotions And Tears Run...
"Habibi Qalbi"